2 Year Full Time MBA Program
Affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology,
MAKAUT, West Bengal
Formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT)
Approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)



Prof. (Dr.) Anup Kumar Sinha
Chief Mentor, M.A. (Econ.)(University of Calcutta), M.S.(University of Rochester, USA), Ph.D (USC, USA, Los Angeles), Economics


Prof. (Dr.) K. K. Chaudhuri
Director, M.Sc (University of Calcutta), Ph.D (University of Calcutta), HR & OB


Dr. Protik Basu
Professor & Dean, B.E.(JU), PGDBM (IIM Calcutta), Ph.D (MAKAUT), Marketing & Operations


Ms. Swagata Sengupta
Teacher -in-Charge , Assistant Professor, ACA, ICWAI, PGDFM, MBA (IGNOU), Finance.


Dr. Satarupa Roychowdhury
Assistant Professor, MBA (Gold Medallist, WBUT), Ph.D(University of Calcutta), UGC NET, CA (Inter), Finance.


Dr. Bobby Basu
Associate Professor, B.Tech (University of Calcutta), PGDIE (NITIE), Ph.D (WBSU), Production & Operations Management.


Dr. Chitra Bagchi
Professor, MBA (University of Burdwan), Ph.D (University of Burdwan), Marketing

Corporate and Academic experience:
She is having few years of corporate experience in the position of Business Development Manager in reputed Companies. She is having 15 years of teaching experience in both PG and UG classes (including 8 years of Post Ph.D) in different B Schools under Calcutta University and WBUT (Presently know as MAKAUT).

Teaching and Research Interests:
Her Specialisation area is Marketing Management and she takes keen interest in teaching the subjects like Marketing Management, Advertising and Sales Promotion, Consumer Behaviour, Indian Social Structure and Values and Ethics. She has edited three Books and Book Chapters on Marketing Research, Sales and Distribution Management and Consumer behaviour from the house of Oxford University Press. She has been Programme Director for different MDPs and Seminars in the area of Service Marketing, Retail Marketing and Advertising. She is having publications in reputed National Journals and presented Papers in different National and International Conferences. She is also having keen interest in Indian Classical and Contemporary Music and is the recipient of several prestigious awards for the same.


Publication & Conference

Publication: Study of the factors influencing the Customer Buying Behaviour in relation to Readymade Garments in India: A field survey based study. published in Kindler, the journal of Army Institute of Management India, Calcutta, Vol XV, No 2, ISSN 0973-0486, July- Dec 2015.

Paper Presentation: on "International Trade in Readymade Garment Sector: Issues and Challenges with respect to India" .in "International Conference on Textile & Clothing-Present and Future Trends" Organised by: Department of Jute & Fibre Technology, University of Calcutta held on 3-5th January '2017, at Kolkata.


Dr. Rimu Chaudhuri
Professor, M.A. (University of Burdwan), and Ph.D (University of Burdwan), Economics

Areas of specialization: Agricultural Economics, Teaching Experience: 7 Years. Research Interest: Entrepreneurship Development. Research Experience: Visiting Scholar EDI, Ahmedabad Publications: 1 Book, 3 (National); 13 (International Journal & Conference Proceedings).


Published/ Submitted & Accepted/ Presented

1. Mallik G S & Chaudhuri Rimu, Lecture and Tutorial Attendance and Student Performance in the First Year Economics Cousre: A Quantile Regression Approach, ASM’s INTERNATIONAL e-Journal on Ongoing Research in Management and IT’, pp 52-58, Jan 2017, E-ISSN-2320-0065

2. Ghatak Ipshita & Chaudhuri Rimu, An Observation of Conservation of Resources (COR) Theory and Job Burnout:A hypothesis for the married couple from the Indian IT Sector” has been accepted for presentation at ECONference-2016 (20-21 December), Burdwan University.

3. Chatterjee Arindam, Chaudhuri Rimu, Sreyasi Sengupta & Banerjee Malay Kumar, “The Extent of Information Technology’s Influence on Aggravating Divorce” has been accepted for presentation at ECONference-2016 (20-21December), Burdwan University.

4. Ghatak Ipshita, Chatterjee Arindam, Chaudhuri Rimu & Banerjee Malay Kumar, ‘ Information Technology Industry: A contagious bubble ball ride accelerating the socio economic catastrophe’, has been accepted Journal of applied Business and Economics, 18(7), 2016, pp 93-115

5. Ghatak Ipshita, Chatterjee Arindam, Chaudhuri Rimu & Banerjee Malay Kumar,"Equity Debt Conflict and the Reverse Pyramid – Two Threats to Information Technology Sustainability" in the August 2016 issue of our peer reviewed journal "International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce", ISSN 2250-057X, Impact Factor: 6.384, Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2016, page no. 36-42,

6. Ghatak Ipshita, Chatterjee Arindam, Chaudhuri Rimu & Banerjee Malay Kumar, ‘ Information Technology Industry: A contagious bubble ball ride accelerating the socio economic catastrophe’, has been accepted for 91st WEAI Annual Conference , 29th June- 3rd July, 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA

7. Ghatak Ipshita, Chatterjee Arindam, Chaudhuri Rimu & Banerjee Malay Kumar, “Information Technology Industry: Rapid depletion of human capital and a major challenge to Sustainable Development’ accepted presented at International ECONference-2016 organised by Burdwan University,25-26th Feb, 2016 & accepted for edited book.

8.Chatterjee Arindam, Ghatak Ipshita, Chaudhuri Rimu & Banerjee Malay Kumar ‘ Information Technology Industry: A Driver of Socio-Economic Inequity and A Catastrophic Psychological Transformer?’ has been accepted for the National seminar on ‘ Poverty, Inequality & Health in India with special reference to North-East India’ organised by North East Hill University –Department of Economics in collaboration with Indian Statistical Institute- Kolkata, 8-10th Oct, 2015

9.Chaudhuri Rimu , Datta Tanushree, Ray Sreyasi, & Banerjee Malay Kumar ‘Sikkimese Women: A paradoxical case of Distorted Modernism’’ has been accepted for the National seminar on ‘ Poverty, Inequality & Health in India with special reference to North-East India’ organised by North East Hill University – Department of Economics in collaboration with Indian Statistical Institute- Kolkata, 8-10th Oct, 2015

10.Das Dipankar, Chaudhuri Rimu ‘Examination of Entrepreneurial Intention in Different Countries using Decision Tree Technique: Evidence from GEM Data’ has been accepted for the Eleventh Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship to be held during February 18-20, 2015, Ahmedabad


Dr. Madhurima Ganguly
Professor, MBA (University of Kalyani), Ph.D (IIEST), OB & HRM

Diploma in Training & Development by Indian Society for Training & Development, Asstt. Professor, Teaching Experience: 11 years, Industrial Experience: 6 months. Research Interest: Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour. Publications: 7 (National); 2 (International Journal & Conference Proceedings).Book Review: 1


Dr. Soumya Sankar Roy
Associate Professor, MBA, (University of Calcutta), Ph.D (University of Calcutta), MIS & Business Analytics

Assistant Professor, Teaching Experience: 16 years, Industrial Experience: 6 years. Research Interest: Cross functional areas in management. Publications: 2 (1 International, 1 National)


1. Title of article: Work pressure on employees and it’s association with employee morale – perceptions of managerial employees. Published in: Perspectives on Management (Journal of Heritage Business School) ISSN 0974-7095 : Vol.8, No.1 & 2, January 2017.

2. Title of article: Managerial employees' perceptions on extra hours of work vis-a-vis appropriate compensation and the relationship with motivation level. Published in: Perspectives on Management (Journal of Heritage Business School) ISSN 0974-7095 : Vol.7, No.1 & 2, June 2015.


Dr. Arunava Bhattacharya
Assistant Professor, MBA (University of Calcutta), Ph.D (University of Burdwan), MIS & Business Analytics

Dr. Arunava Bhattacharya has joined as Assistant Professor at HBS in July 2018. He possesses B.Sc (H) in Economics (C.U), MBA in Systems area from IISWBM, Calcutta University and ICWA (Inter).He has obtained Ph.D from Burdwan University in the area of Indian Roadways Sector. He is enriched in more than 26 years of experience- both corporate as well as academic arena. He has attended several seminars/conferences and has more than 12 publications to his credit in various journals of repute. His current areas of teaching and research include MIS and Systems, Quantitative Techniques including Statistics, Decision Science and Cross functional areas of Management.


Mr. Chittaranjan Pani
Assistant Professor, PGDC & MIS (Utkal University ), M.Sc. (OSOU) MBA (MAKAUT), MIS

Assistant Professor. A Microsoft Innovative Educator, Certified Ethical Hacker, Cisco Certified Network Administrator. Teaching Experience: 10 years. Industry Experience: 10 Years, Area of Specialization: System Management, Research interest: Internal Marketing and Cyber Security, Publications – 2 (1 national and 1 international).


Publication & Conference

• “Internal Marketing in Indian Banks and Exploratory Study”, International Journal of Research In Management and Social Science, Volume 6, Issue 1 (X), January – March 2018, ISSN 2322-0899

• “Internal Marketing in the Perspective of Service Organizations – An Elaborative Study”, Perspectives on Management, Volume 9, No 1 & 2, January 2018, ISSN 0974-7095

• Attended more than 30 national and international conferences.


Mr. Santosh Kumar Ray
Assistant Professor,MBA (MAKAUT), Finance

Assistant Professor. Industrial Experience: 18 Years. Research Interest: Financial Management and Management Accounting.


Dr. Sunil Singh
Assistant Professor, MBA(MAKAUT), Ph.D (Visva Bharati), Marketing


Mr. Kaushik Bhattacharya
Assistant Professor, B.Tech (IITK), PGDM (IIM, Calcutta), IT & Strategy

Assistant Professor, B.Tech (IITK), PGDM (IIM, Calcutta), IT & Strategy


Ms. Sudhasree Subramanian
Assistant Professor, MBA (IGNOU), MIS

Assistant Professor, Industrial Experience: 12 years. Research Interest: Systems / Operations